“Steal like and Artist”

Every now and again, I come across a great gem of a book that stimulates my creativity. I gobbled this one right up. “Steal like an artist” by Austin Kleon.  Wise young man is Austin.  He has been invited to Ted Talks, written several other books and is a...

Holiday cards for 2013

Throughout the year I am inspired by many ideas. As November rolls around, I draw on my notes and doodles for a visual that could resonate with the holidays, one that reflects on winter, on Canada but not on Christmas per se, and that would translate well into a gift...

Sustainable Enterprise Consulting

Sustainable Enterprise Consulting Kevin Brady Pontiac, Quebec (613) 447.3451 Project Scope: Brand Identity Business Cards Website www.sustainableenterpriseconsulting.com...

Unity Resources Group

Unity Resources Group Tim Curtis Suite 504, Festival Tower, P.O. Box 121026, Dubai, U.A.E. +971 4 705 9000 www.unityresourcesgroup.com tcurtis@unityresourcesgroup.com Project Scope: Web Portal Tutorial Videos Sales Presentation Video...


Delilah boutique 791 Bank Street Ottawa, ON (613) 238-2051 DelilahInTheGlebe DelilahInTheParc Project Scope: Advertising...